We’ve done our last show for the season, and are shipping out holiday orders. Business has grown this year and we’re planning on a bigger 2024 as more people find out that our handmade soap is easier on their skin, and better smelling than the stuff the big guys put out. Our Cardamom Woods bar has popped back up in the online store this month. The hottest new bar of 2023 has been Lavaminder which is an even more relaxing variant of lavender. The tallow and extra castor oil add even smoother creaminess to the suds. As is the case every year, Hunter Catnip soap continues to lead the pack in our region because it’s so functional for outdoor living. But the cooler weather turns more noses towards the spicy scents: Island Spice, Rosemary Pomander, Tea Tree Thieves and Cool Night. Mahogany Magma and Tsola Bay have been popular year round.
While our favorite people have been running wild outside, and soaking up the rays, we’ve been introducing them to the medicinal and edible weeds, many of which offer superior nutrition to what’s available at the grocers. There are 50 articles published so far, and the archives is fully available. Don’t miss it! Check Weedom out here . Wild violets, plantain and jewelweed are some what’s featured, so you can learn more about some of the herb infusions that we add to our soaps. You’ll gain a whole new perspective on catnip too, as well as the cats’ reviews of the product.
Wishing you Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Peaceful New Year.